Tulip Hifu Treatment
Hi guys! Today I'm going to introduce you to this super cute robot looking machine.
It's called the Tulip dual Hifu.
Do stay with me because this is a long post and the link to the video process is right at the end.!!

What does it do?
“Tulip” is the most advanced and newest skin tightening, lifting machine, by using HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Technology. “Tulip” is a new type of non-surgical, non-invasive treatment for the face that uses Micro-Focused Ultrasound and the body's own natural healing process to lift and tighten loose skin. High intensity focused ultrasound delivers energy with the optimal depth, temperature and precision necessary to lift and tighten skin.
What can you expect from Tulip Dual HIFU treatment?
For the Face:
- Skin tightening - Face lifting - Wrinkle Reduction - Firming of the face, neck, cheeks and jawline - Face rejuvenation - Eyebrow lifting
For the body treatment:
- Skin tightening - Body Countering
What is Tulip Dual HIFU Body treatment?
- A treatment by the KFDA-Approved Tulip HIFU - Non-Surgical Invasive - No risk for dark skin - Transiant Erythema, lasting only few hours - Mild Edema - More Precise and SAFE treatment - The HIFU Energy will target on the 13mm fat layer to destroy fat cells beneath the surface layers of the skin - Unlike surgical fat reduction procedures, the HIFU treatment is non-invasive and patients typically resume normal activities immediately after the procedure.
What Happens After the Treatment?
- You may return to normal activities immediately.
- Any flushing or redness should resolve within a few hours - It is not uncommon to experience slight swelling for a few days following the procedure, or tingling/tenderness to the touch for days to weeks following the procedure, but these are mild and temporary in nature - Occasional temporary effects can include bruising or welts, which resolve in days, or numbness in a select area, which resolves in weeks - As with any medical procedure, there are possible risks associated with the treatment.
- There is a remote risk of a burn that may or may not lead to scarring, which will respond to medical care, or temporary nerve inflammation, which will resolve in a matter of weeks - Many observe immediate tightening

Above all the image of my tummy before treatment. See how buggy it look? And full of stretch mark :((

While doing the treatment.
1st steps, gel is needed to prevent skin from burning and the process will begin by shot around my tummy area. There's different level of intensity. Usually it starts with 13 and if the person can take it, the Dr will slowly increase the intensity. As for me, due to me saying that I'm able to tolerate pain, my level to start with was 15!!! OMG! ... I almost scream when I feel the machine on me. But luckily the pain was still tolerable for me and in between I did asked to decrease the intensity and increase again. As the saying " No pain no gain" ??
It feels as if needles are poking my skins in a circle. I can really feel it working! Unlike some other treatment which you will be feeling so comfortable but no or slow result.
I'm really very impressed with the result! Which I can swear by it. I'm not saying this for advertising seek.
But I seen it with my own eyes the differences. Although it's not very big but I still managed to see my slight curve at waist area and my tummy really feels less buggy.
Of course I'm reminded to do somethings to maintain on my own.
- I have to drink plenty of water after the treatment.
- Do some light exercise whenever possible.
- Control my diet and eat less fats!!
HAHA.. I laughed when doc mentioned the above point. Because I hate to drink water, lazy / no time for exercise and last to eat lesser!! But I guess it's good because after seeing the result it motivate me to drink more water and control my eating to maintain. As for exercise, I'm doing yoga as and when I can. So practically, this is a great investment for those who wants to look pretty but lazy or no time to do so.
And the treatment doesn't take up lots of time.
Although it cost about $600 / session, I still thinks that it is really worth the price as this is immediate result and you doesn't have to spent tons before you see the result. It's recommended that we continue our session 3 weeks into the other session.
It doesn't have any limit to how many times we must or can do. You can choose to do until the result you desired. However, do take note that if you are really skinny and your fats is less than 3mm, you CAN'T do this treatment and you definitely DOES NOT NEED to!!
Now you should take a close look at my result.

I attached 2 image. one is zoom in and the other is zoom out for better viewing.
Can you see how obvious the result is?? I'm really so impressed and happy at the result. I'm going to do a few more session. Remember to keep a look out and I will continue to update it each time after my treatment.

Here's a pic of my doc and me!! :)
Here's my youtube video of my treatment process.
P.s: For my reader or friends who are really keen in this treatment, I got a special deal for you if you mention my name "Olivia" . Just email me: p_olivia88@yahoo.com for the address.