Son&Park Custom Cover Concealer Kit

Annyeong everyone! I believe by now you might have seem my youtube video on this concealer.
If you haven't, here's the link :
I'm sorry for the lousy and bad quality at least I tried and will continue to improve :D So kindly leave a encouraging comment or things I can improve on. Gamsahabnida <3<3
Today I'm going to do a blog "picture" review.

As you can see from the image that Son & Park looks more creamy and cover the pores better than Brand X.

This is the color 01, 03, 02
01 is a slighty red tone to neutralist eye bags
02 is a slight dark done which can be use to blend in on top of the red tone or to use it to contour (only visible for fair skintone user)
03 is the a lighter tone to be blend on top of red tone. I used this on top of 01.

As always I have emphasis how bad my eye bag and eye circle are. Therefore eye concealer is the minimum makeup I will need before I head out.
As I'm busy taking video for this product, I don't have much photo available only pictures of after HAHAHA.. So much refer to my youtube channel for the full demo.

Item: 7/10
Texture: 7/10
Pricing: 7/10
Over all rating: 7/10
Available for purchase at :
They are selling it at $27.99 and shipping at $4.99. For a limited time only, they are having a $6 rebate off each purchase!