Neon Purple ~ Lilac Purple with Artistry Hair Professional
Hi another day is passing by and I'm getting all so excited about my trip to Korea in December. Yes you heard me right! DECEMBER. I know there's still 7 more months to go, but you know you will get all excited when it comes to travelling out right? Anyway today I'm going to blog about my almost disappearing purple hair. It's my first time doing such an exaggerating "Loud" color on my hair.
Chris from Headline by Artistry was the one responsible for my hair again.
If you haven't read about Artistry Hair Professional, read them here:
My first hair do by Chris faded into nice blonde like which I quite like . See image below

I know it looked super dry. But I didn't have any worries at all because I trust Chris to do a great job to my hair. Just looked at the result!

Like unbelievable right?? Me too! When I looked at my hair I really got a shocked! I'm shocked by the loud color because that's not what I wanted and also by the fact that I did a total of about 3 bleaching including the first time, my hair still turn out so silk and shiny! Well I got to give Chris credit for that. He really spent alot of time caring for my hair.
When I saw my hair at this point I'm really devastated. You can tell from my face.

After blowing dry and after the treatment, smile still to comes in and Chris was so nice to the the braid for me after I telling him how I love it.

Viola~~ Not a bad job at all right? I think he did better job than me. :DD

Next day after my colouring. Looking so bright and vibrant

2 Weeks into colouring and it started to fade due to the fact that I wash my hair everyday and also under sun continuously for 3 full day

3 Weeks and I'm loving this moment the most! Not too bright and not too dull either.

The 4th week. It faded even more. Sorry for my dry looking hair. I'm just lazy to slap some treatment on. :P

Good news! Artistry Hair Professional has make things easier for you guys! Now you can make your booking via apps. View the image below for the steps.

What's good is that you an even choose your personal stylist! Also don't forget to mention "Olivia" for up to 30% discount.

Stay tune for my update on my new hair color soon :D
Happy designing your hair love! :)
10 anson road #03 -32 international plaza tanjong pagar S079903
Operating Hours :
Mon-fri : 10.30am to 8.30pm
Sat 10.30am to 7pm
Sun closed
Call 6221 9255 to make an appointment with Chris !
Sat 10.30am to 7pm
Sun closed