J3 Juice
Hi Guys! It's almost 2 weeks that I last completed my Juice detox cleanse.
I promised to blog about my result. Sorry for the late post. I have been really busy with lots of things.
Without further delay, here is my pieces about J3 Juice. I started my 1st ever Detox session on the 5th of March Saturday with J3 Juices. All this while I really wanted to challenge myself to a complete detox cleansing as I know that I'm a greedy person myself. I can't live one day without any proper meal.
What is a Juice Cleanse?
A juice cleanse is a modified fast. You stop eating solid foods for a few days and instead consume only liquids. Instead of consuming plain water, on a juice cleanse, you consume only healthy, nutrient-packed juices derived from raw fruits and vegetables.
Are Juice Cleanses Safe?
As long as you are reasonably healthy and don't do a juice cleanse for more than three consecutive days, a juice cleanse isn't harmful. Anyone who has health issues such as diabetes, kidney disease or other conditions should talk to a doctor before starting a juice cleanse.
I'm so glad that J3 send me the 3days program and let them be the first one to start my healthy journey with. I'm must say that J3 is really a very affordable co compare to many others in Singapore. I'm not telling lie. I have done detailed research before I post this. As you know how many new juice company is starting in Singapore especially now Detox Juice is a very hot topic. I found a few company with their 1day detox cleanse are starting at least a $90+ or $100. However for J3, their 1 day program are just starting from $62.60 ( Pre-selected) of 350ml and their 3days program are even within $100 while the others can go as high as $200-$300! . I mean yes some of the co can be really popular because they have been around for sometimes and they have really very "beautiful" package. But what are important for us is the healthy juice that we are gonna be benefiting from and not the outlook. Right? Correct me if you think I'm wrong.
About J3: With Singapore's hectic and fast-paced lifestyle, most people do not have the luxury of time for proper meals, much less hitting their daily nutrient requirements for fibre and other vitamins & minerals.
J3 Juice provides a fuss-free solution to this issue, by compacting everyday healthy goodness into tasty beverages in the form of cold pressed juices, yogurt, and honey soda! Aiming to bring these healthy goodness to everyone, they serve up these simple 'Grab & Go' juices, so we can sip on the lovely concoctions on the go, at wallet-friendly prices! Using only the freshest, all-natural ingredients, they distinguish themself from other commercial sources, boasting juices that are a par above the rest!
J3 send me my juices in this Maroon cooler bag which is included when you order your juice.

My colorful daily juice.
There's no sequence which to drink first, but there's a note tips from J3 to guide you.
(As seen below)

The highlights

Some small tips.
It's important to drink a glass of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning.

The different juices with the different type of vegetable and fruits

This is one of my acceptable one. Slight sweet taste. Maybe because of all the "Red" fruits.

This is also delicious! Passion yummy!

I can't really stand this due to the wheatgrass. However if you are a wheatgrass lover, this might be acceptable for you.

Gingy taste strong.

This is so terrible. OMG!! I swear I also puke. For for the sake of beauty, I drank it fast!

Oh Nutty madness! I'm so madly in love with this that I still thinking of it once in awhile. It's really so good! If you are a nut person this is really yum yum yum! The Almond taste is not too strong too.

I didn't managed to record my weight as I don't have any weighing machine at home. However I believed I did lose 1kg or 2. Infact I felt healthier as I tried to control my diet now after this detox. So I'm definitely trying to eat healthier untill someone tries to temp me with some really good food.. :P
Well now you know about J3 and juice cleanse, why not start your session too?
Thank you for reading and here's a token from J3 & me to my readers and friends,
order your 1day or 3days detox program at: http://juiceorder.j3thegroup.com/
and enter promo code:
J3_OLIVIA_P (to enjoy 10% off online purchases)
Do like and visit J3 at:
or you can email them if you have any enquires.
They are really helpful and friendly!
Takecare and happy cleansing! ☺
xoxo Olivia ♥